American Cleanroom Systems® is your expert design-build source for e-liquid cleanrooms. Our long experience building pharmaceutical manufacturing, USP797 compounding and food/beverage filling rooms directly contribute to our e-liquid expertise.
Our modular designs have satisfied FDA requirements in the medical, pharma, and food industries where future e-liquid / vape / extraction requirements may be emulated.
- Cleanable cleanroom modular walls
- Measurable positive pressure / Magnehelic gauge
- ISO7/class 10k or ISO8/class 100k particle count and air changes/hour requirements
- Ceiling mounted HEPA FFU and low wall air returns / exhaust grills
- Temperature control
- Gowning room / air lock
- As built particle test and certification
Recent American Cleanroom Systems® E-liquid Projects:
8,260 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- Comfort Cooling
- Gown Room
1,600 S.F Extraction cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- Glass walls
- Comfort cooling
- Gown room
1,592 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- VCT flooring
- Comfort cooling
- Fire Sprinklers
969 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8 re-circulating
- Wash room. fill room, gown room
- Comfort cooling
900 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- AC
- VCT flooring
864 S.F. extraction cleanroom
- Modular
- Glass walls
- ISO-8
- Gown room
- Comfort cooling
624 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
600 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- Comfort cooling
- VCT flooring
450 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO8 – recirculating
- Split system AC
- 72” high tempered glass viewing panels
400 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO8 – recirculating
- Split system AC
- Epoxy floor
384 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-7
- ISO-8 – One pass
- One pass
- Comfort cooling
369 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Standard construction
- ISO-8
- One Pass
360 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- ISO-8 Recirculating
- Comfort Cooling
345 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- ISO-8
- Gown room
- Comfort cooling
336 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
324 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- Comfort cooling
275 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- L-shape modular
- ISO-8 – One pass
- VCT tile
225 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- Class 10k/ISO-7
- AC
- Hands free sink
- Pass thru
216 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- Comfort cooling
- VCT flooring
200 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8
- Comfort cooling
- VCT flooring
100 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-8 – One pass
- AC
96 S.F. e-liquid cleanroom
- Modular
- ISO-7
- 2×2 pass thru
- Gown room
FAQs About E-Liquid Cleanrooms
Q: Why do I need a cleanroom for e-liquid manufacturing?
A: E-liquid manufacturing is subject to both state and FDA regulation. FDA CGMP (current good manufacturing practice) require a clean controlled environment for the safe manufacturing of e-liquids. Cleanrooms help meet this requirement.
Q: Do I need air conditioning for my e-liquid cleanroom?
A: Cleanroom personnel wear cleanroom jackets, booties and hoods/bouffant hats along with gloves while working in the cleanroom. This extra layer of cloth, make the personnel warm so good cleanroom air conditioning is important to maintain a comfortable work environment.
Q: Why do modular cleanrooms work so well for e-liquid cleanrooms?
A: Many e-liquid companies start small then grow rapidly. Modular cleanrooms allow them to start with small cleanroom then expand it as needed to match their growth. Modular cleanrooms also allow you to relocate the cleanroom if you move to new location.
Q: What kind of flooring do I need for e-liquid cleanrooms?
A: Most warehouses have bare concrete floors which are very porous and particulates. Most e-liquid cleanrooms install either industrial VCT or epoxy flooring.
Q: What if I need conveyor openings in the cleanroom for my bottling line?
A: Modular cleanroom construction allows for easy installation of conveyor openings.
Q: Why do people put windows in the e-liquid cleanroom?
A: Cleanroom windows allow management to observe operations inside the cleanroom without getting garbed and entering the cleanroom. The windows are also important for safety purposes as they allow cleanroom workers to see outside the cleanroom, and other workers to see inside the cleanroom in the case of an accident.
Q: How high should my e-liquid cleanroom ceiling be?
A: While it is easy to expand a cleanroom horizontally adding more square footage it is very expensive to increase the interior ceiling height. It is important to understand current and future mixing equipment ceiling height requirements. Many systems have operator on platform top loading material into the mixer. Other systems require mixer to be raised and lowered into the mixer from above.
Q: What is the most common cleanroom classification for e-liquid cleanrooms?
A: The most common cleanroom classification for e-liquid cleanrooms is ISO-8. The advantage of buying a modular e-liquid cleanroom is it easy to upgrade cleanroom classification by later adding HEPA fan filter units and modular return air walls.