Nutraceuticals are also called dietary supplements. The FDA requires that nutraceuticals be manufactured with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Cleanrooms are typically part of the GMP manufacturing requirement.
…… In addition, FDA’s regulations require those who manufacture, package, or hold dietary supplements to follow current good manufacturing practices that help ensure the identity, purity, quality, strength, and composition of dietary supplements…
Equipment used in nutraceutical cleanrooms typically conforms to NSF standards for food processing. Some examples nutraceuticals include vitamin pills, protein powders, protein bars, organic supplements, and protein drinks.
As might be expected – cleanliness/easy to clean is considered the most important aspect of nutraceutical cleanrooms.
Common features of nutraceutical cleanrooms include:
Summary: Nutraceutical cleanrooms are used to satisfy FDA GMP (good manufacturing practice). Typically these cleanrooms are ISO-7 or ISO-8. Important features include cleanable walls, easily cleanable floors with no cracks or crevices, and gown rooms.
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