In order to meet FDA sterility requirements for medical usage, masks must be manufactured and packaged in a cleanroom.
Masks made in American Cleanroom Systems cleanroom installed in Texas.
5/1/2020: American Cleanroom Systems® delivers a 2,208 SF ISO-8 modular cleanroom for CV-19 mask manufacturer in 2 weeks.
9/2/2020: American Cleanroom Systems® delivers a 2,677 SF ISO-8 modular cleanroom for CV-19 mask cleanroom in 2.5 weeks.
11/12/2020: American Cleanroom Systems® completes manufacturing for 1,500 SF ISO-8 modular cleanroom for mask manufacturing in 2 weeks.
We purchased our current clean-room system from American Cleanroom Systems. Their level of professionalism and ease to work with made the task of building a custom cleanroom a breeze. We highly recommend them.
Chris 2,208 SF ISO-8 Mask Manufacturing Cleanroom
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